Scraping the Bottom of the Barruelle

My mate Jarrod Fowler and I were agreeing that thus far nice exegeses of Laruelle have been a bit thin on the ground.

The perceived (by existing Laruellians in print) hostility to OOO remains to be proved. If proof isn't too ahem philosophical. From what I've seen it looks like it might be. The One (don't think of it as a single thing though!) is neither induced nor deduced--although it looks just like a deduction from the assumption (again not proved) that all philosophers are talking about the same thing, in the same thing, as aspects of that same thing.

How Laruelle isn't another of the policemen in the Monty Python Argument Sketch of modern philosophy also remains to be proved--again if it's not too much bother. "Anything you can do I can do meta" being the syndrome of our age.

A student of David Clark's--very nice chap--sorry I forgot your name! Whom I met in Ontario last November has some very good arguments about OOO and its connections with Laruelle. I guess one will have to wait for his dissertation. I like David.


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