Subject to Change Liveblog 13
Justin Butler (U Minnesota, Twin Cities)
“Biopolitics and Biopoetics: Materialism and Object-Oriented Ontology”
I try to steer this more towards the political
I want to step towards biopoetics especially as an alternative to ecopoetics
by trying to attune some poetic thought to genetic processes
Raymond Williams: affirmation of materialism’s categories based on what it discovers in the world
the newness built in to this is then legitimized or discarded
new knowledge leaves the old fixed in the past: structured in obsolescence
vulnerable to the paradox that it eschews fixity only to congeal categories, definitions, order
it ceases to be materialism by doing what it says materialism ought to do
obfuscation of self-renewal << biopolitics (regimes of categorization)
Foucault: managing territory >> managing people through biometrics
biopolitics is about making live
administration of biological life
>> reducing the objects to something less than they are
A foundation of OOO is its regard as an inexhaustible entity
thus an object can’t be totalized that has an instability, a type of infinity, which suggests the possibility of its own non-identity with itself
materialism sees objects as things that are not worth pursuing further
OOO: gaps between concept and thing and between concept and itself
thus after Adorno a thing becomes its concept which it is not!
is this <> life?
inhering nonidentity of self
DNA << nonlife (phosphates, sugar, nitrogen)
DNA is both itself and representation of itself
DNA is both life and lifeless
it is itself and concept of itself, which it is not
if lifeforms are representations of themselves, what are they representing
>> questions of democracy
if representing is not re-presenting but presenting another?
is this purposive or not?
a gene would seem to require intentionality
if so then the gap is a question of poetics as of genetics
thus for Monod life is essentially unpredictable
evolution is just order with 20/20 hindsight
thus there is no intentionality at this fundamental level
while life is a bricoleur that makes do with whatever is at hand
life’s emergence erases its contingency
should contest obsolescence that it produces
because it’s biopolitics that is keen on teleology
the cause leads to the cause
sensual objects don’t recede from relations
two separate objects partake of a third, “representationality”
objects are outside the soul yet they are ballast in our heads
immanent and transcendent
man is a curious body whose center of gravity is not in himself
the object accuses the blow
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