Subject to Change Liveblog 10
Joao Paulo Guimaraes (SUNY Buffalo)
“Malleable Bodies and Unreadable Beings: Eduardo Kac and Leslie Scalapino’s Poetics of Unnaming,”
Kac is a pure relationist
Scalapino is a Buddhist relationist
bioart: genes have no intrinsic meaning
malleability of animals and humans
use of Nagarjuna: he does not intend to imply that reality is nothing at all
lack of existence just means lack of essence or boundaries
similar to Buddhism’s investigation of the mind
hidden potentials of the body
everything carries within it a childlike self-destructive potential
while writing she felt she had to be in conflict with herself
humor: panting like a dog (Guimaraes is researching how before modernity, Nature could be funny)
bodies as utterly plastic and contingent
vs Scalapino’s bodies, too close or too far away to be totally fungible
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