
Showing posts from May, 2012


It's been a few weeks since I had my last real post, so I wanted to update about that (and brag a little). I graduated yesterday! I'm now a degree holder from Marietta College and am headed into the real world. (That's my roommate in the picture with me, by the way.) I will be working as an Americorps*VISTA with a local environmental organization, which I'm absolutely stoked about. I'll be able to continue my insect research while with them, so I have a feeling things will work out fine. I'm working on a few new posts about millipedes and also some neat stuff about periodical cicadas, so I'll try to get back into my regular posting schedule ASAP. It should be easier now that final exams are done!

Science Video Friday - Spunky Stag Beetles

Stag beetles are some of the most charismatic beetles out there. Even people who don't like insects are drawn to them if they ever find them, and how couldn't they be? Stag beetles are small beetles with lots of gumption that don't back down when approached, and the following video shows off how these spunky beetles use their formidable mandibles.