The Summer of the Reduviidae
A wheel bug from Costa Rica, preserved at the Museo de Insectos, University of Costa Rica, San José. Let it be known that I am extremely excited for this summer. I applied for a few internships, but those didn't work out. I was disappointed, of course, but other opportunities popped up, ensuring that I won't be idle during my time off from classes. I applied for a grant from my college, and received it. Thanks to that, I will spend six weeks during the summer carrying out a project I designed. This will involve me romping around the college's field station with my exploring hat, bug nets, and a bag full of bug collecting equipment, investigating the assassin bug diversity at the field station. This is awesome for a number of reasons: I'll be investigating a question no one has yet researched I'll be acquainting myself even more with assassin bugs, a group of insects that is quickly becoming my favorite I will have ample time for exploration I'll find more th...